

Note: You are reviewing the archived version in 2002 of SCP-6000.

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——Maria Jones, RAISA Director

Item #: SCP-6000 Level 4/6000
Object Class: Keter Classified

Special Containment Procedures:Given the unpredictability of the project, SCP-6000 does not need and cannot apply the necessary containment procedures to it.

When an incident like the SCP-6000 occurs, it should be characterized by an agent from the nearest Site. If an SCP-6000 occurrence is confirmed, the items in this occurrence shall be classified and transported to Site-77 for centralized containment after a research of their basic properties.

Description:SCP-6000 is one type of discontinuous offset phenomenon at the time level. When the phenomenon occurs, One/multiple items (referred to as SCP-6000-A-1) are transported to the current timeline from different timelines. According to a small number of SCP-6000-A-1 with time stamps, The timeline of scp-6000-A-1 which was transmitted due to time shift is synchronized with the date of the current timeline. It is unknown that whether this is part of the anomalous nature of the project or the intention of the implementer. Currently, SCP-6000-A-1 transmitted by SCP-6000 are all small items. If the object is biologically active, the item will usually preserve its activity.

SCP-6000-A-1 does not have any obvious anomalous property except for a small amount of polar EVE particle radiation. Therefore, the containing classification of SCP-6000-A-1 will not be based on its containment difficulty, but on its importance to the current timeline. The details are as follow:
Black: It has no obvious reference value and can be treated as an abnormal derivative with no anomalous properties in general.

Green: It includes information about non-abnormal transactions of the time line where the object is located, and it needs to be recorded and saved.

Yellow: It includes anomalous information in the timeline where the object is located, and it needs to be filed and stored. Personnel of level 3 and above can look over it.

Red: It includes information about SCP-6000's own natures, future timeline anomalies, or high-risk anomalies, which must be sealed and contained. Since this classification is extremely unlikely to be used, the containment procedures for each SCP-6000-A-1 defined as this level should be specifically formulated.

addendum α:The following are some records of SCP-6000-A-1 that have been contained.
Objects Classification Notes
A few pinecones Black N/A
A pair of gloves Black N/A
A knife stained with blood Yellow The timestamp shows that the knife was made in 1973. Analysis of the contaminated blood on it did not get a match for any animal.
A government document written in Russian Green The timestamp is 1980, And the content is a claim to land ownership.
A pine branch Black N/A
Document A-6000 and its annexes Red Has been classified as LEVEL 5/6000-ω CLASSIFIED.



Document 6000-A is a letter found by SCP Foundation on A date in 1986 near Vladivostok, with a timestamp of 1982. The letter also contained a black-and-white photograph and a hard disk drive(HDD). According to the survey, the photo points to a forest in Siberia Area. The manufacturer of the hard disk drive is unknown ███ Company and the hard disk drive was made in 20██. The surface of the hard disk drive were scrawled the words "Первый". There is a file called "Pervij.██" in the hard disk drive, which is highly encrypted by its creatorand cannot access successfully cracked in 1997/█/██(Refer to the documents of 6000-2 for details).

As the contents of 6000-A and its annexes relate to important information about SCP-6000, they are now included in classified documents.

Note: Soon after the Foundation received the letter, the GoI Fixedflowers, which was closely monitored, organized a siege of Site-77. The siege ended with the successful suppression of the Foundation. According to the interviews with the arrested personnel, the attack was caused by the undercover agent located inside the Foundation and informed the head of the organization of the contents of Document 6000-A. It is reported that the staff of Fixedflowers believe that this letter represents the position of the god of nature, and firmly believe that seizing the letter will help them use nature to transform the whole society.

In this incident, the Foundation captured or killed most of the armed personnel from Fixedflowers. After that, an internal division of the Fixedflowers occurred and was not engaged in any armed incidents against other organizations.

After the incident, the Foundation raised the confidentiality level of 6000-A. The survey of the locations mentioned in 6000-A has been put on the agenda. After Incident 6000-2, it was decided to stop surveying the above areas indefinitely.

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